There are a number of different characteristics that create the unique mosaic that we all are. One of these characteristics has particularly powerful effects on how you experience your world and I want to call attention to it. You see, we all orient ourselves differently. One of the distinguishing ways we orient, or make sense of our place in the world around us, is either through internal cuing or externally cuing.
Internally oriented people, for example, would know they’ve done well because they “just know” it inside. Their heart and mind guides their validation and contextual place in the world more than external feedback. An internally oriented artist can be satisfied with her work without achieving fame or financial recognition from buyers. In addition, an internally oriented artist can feel as if they’re a failure based on internal compassing while being on the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine and at the top of the charts, unfortunately.
Externally oriented individuals gather an understanding of their place in the world based on external markers. These folks use the progress and place of others more to orient. These individuals seek validation from external sources like parents, peers, subject matter experts, and the competition. A young pianist could play a new, difficult song beautifully yet not understand it’s worth until a parent tells them they’re did wonderful job.
It’s important to underscore that one way of orienting isn’t “better” than another. Knowing how you orient is best. And, while, of course, there are degrees to which you may fall into either category these categories directly affect how you process the world around you. It also directly will affect how you send and receive information in the world. Furthermore, this distinction is of critical importance to interpersonal relations from work life to family life.
If you want a simple way to begin understanding your orientation, ask yourself this simple question: “How would I know I’ve done a good job?”
Logan Gelbrich
1/7/19 WOD
Make 5 attempts at the following complex:
1 Tall Power Snatch
2 Hang Power Snatch
3 Power Snatch
Then, complete the following for time:
Cleans (245/165)
Muscle Ups