Let me say that I’ve have a lot of conversations with people who want to get fit. Just merely the hundreds of ‘Intro Sessions’ I’ve done with prospective students is enough of a sample size alone to recognize a trend. The trend I observe is that more people believe they have a faulty habit. This faulty habit is that they just aren’t self-motivated all the time and their fitness suffers as a result.
What’s interesting about this isn’t that it’s true (which it is). The interesting part about it is that nearly everyone I speak with thinks this trait of theirs is 1) unique and 2) not a trait fit people have. Both of these assumptions are false.
Let me be the first to tell you. Ebbs and flows of motivation are ubiquitous. Almost no one jumps out of bed for four decades with a smile on their face to the gym. This trait of not having a propulsion mechanism from within to go to the gym everyday is par for the course. It’s not special or unique in any way.
Secondly (and most importantly), fit people have this same issue. Generally speaking, most people with success in this area have supporting structures to help them stay on course when human nature wants to kick in. Peer accountability, money, a greater purpose, and public commitments are just a few of many systems of support for people that suffer from the same struggles as you to get in the gym, but still have success in spite of those struggles.
Text and friend pressure each other to get in there and move. Today’s training day is a partner workout and us coaches see people reach asymmetrical levels of intensity, because while we may be willing to let ourselves down, we rarely want to let a partner down. Learn from this dynamic and use it.
Logan Gelbrich
12/20/18 WOD
Accumulate 3 minutes in hollow body..
**Resting only in arch body position
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6 DB Step Ups (Ea)
8 Half Kneeling 1-Arm DB Shoulder Press (Ea)
10 Decline Ring Rows
Then, with a partner, AMRAP 12
Partner A:
6 KB Goblet Squats (53/35)
12 KB Swings
18 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops
Partner B: Rest