This is Alia. Her smile is infectious and proud in this photo and the reason why is she’s holding up her newly earned Strongman 101 patch. What’s important about it is in order to earn it you must move through an experience. It can’t be purchased, borrowed, or shared.
It’s not the only thing that can’t be bought around here. The whole DEUCE Racing jersey concept and a host of other little discussed patches that are earned in tribute to various efforts and accomplishments reflect the same notion illustrated in the image above. Rich experiences are often “unbuyable”.
After all, isn’t that the rarest, most prized kind of possession these days? You are literally one “swipe” away from having any material thing being shipped to your door in 24-hours or less via Amazon. Possessions are as cheap and easy as they’ve ever been in the history of humanity.
I challenge you, then, to take inventory of your life. Notice of the areas that bring you the opportunity to experience moments like the one above. These are mostly free, last longer, and no one can take them from you.
Logan Gelbrich
12/19/18 WOD
Deficit HSPU
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes, complete the following for time:
20 Double Unders
15 DB Hang Power Clean and Jerks (40/25)
5 Burpee-to-Plate
**Athlete’s score is slowest round score