In a recent conversation with a friend of mine, I was reminded of the simple math that continues to present itself in human behavior. There’s always many more people who want to results than people who are willing to do the work to get them. My friend happens to be a New York Times best selling author and he continually is met with fans who believe in his message, seek him out, have bought the book, and still haven’t read the damn book.
Now, I understand the math will shake out how it will shake out. However, I think it’s license to help understand this phenomenon, but it isn’t license to accept it.
In our context at DEUCE it sounds more like this: if you have access to a suitable facility, incredible coaching, and a limitless program, you ought to reap the benefits of having such access. Don’t buy the book and not read it with us.
Get in here and get what you came for!
Logan Gelbrich
12/14/18 WOD
Then, complete 10 rounds for time of:
50′ Sled Push
1 Stone-to-Shoulder (150/60)
3 Bar Muscle Ups
12 KB Swings (53/35)