The Whole Life Challenge is BACK! The lifestyle game provides a community atmosphere and quantitative element to the habits and results we all want. The game addresses a mobility practice, physical exercise (of any kind), nutrition, and sleep with an online scoreboard for daily accountability. In addition, we’ll set a baseline performance to start and finish the challenge to measure objective improvement over the course of the game.
The six-week challenge kicks off January 18th and we hope you’ll join that massive community of people both far and wide playing along with us. You don’t need to even live in the country to play along with us and it’s perfectly scalable for any person with any goals.
There is a fee for accountability purposes and, if you’re joining us in Venice, there are prizes for those who improve the most and have the best compliance to the rules.
Logan Gelbrich
12/13/18 WOD
Even: 10 Alt DB Renegade Rows
Odd: :20 Max Push Ups
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
400m Run
20 Squats