We’ve got fresh artwork for your feet, people. These socks come in two sizes medium-small and medium-large and they feature both the DEUCE Gym lightbulb art on the ankle (visible with shoes) and the diamond-two logo on the bottom of the foot
Call it corny if you want, but these socks are ideal stocking stuffers this holiday season. Be generous and give the gift of these standard holding socks. They are available in-store and for worldwide shipping from our online store now.
Logan Gelbrich
12/11/18 WOD
Find a 5RM weighted chin up..
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6 Weighted Bar Dips
8 Reverse Grip Bent Rows
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
12 Alt Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115/75)
6 Thrusters