Extrapolating the Moment

I saw a mental exercise the other day that inspired some intense thinking and I’d like to share it. I think in the moment we have good reason that we are making the decisions we’re making and there’s justified logic in our habits today. Often, though, this can come without an understanding of what these decisions and habits are doing for us outside of the moment. So, here’s the exercise:

If you changed nothing about your habits right now, where will that put you in five years?

It’s a powerful exercise to consider, because the weightiness of extrapolating the moment and extending it five years into the future gives it scope and the power it might deserve but doesn’t receive. Does the five year impact of your daily decision making bring a sense of urgency that the impact your decision making has in the moment doesn’t?

Logan Gelbrich


12/10/18 WOD

Find a challenging height seated box jump..

Then, EMOM 18
Minute 1: :10 Max Cal Assault Bike
Minute 2: 100′ Suitcase Carry (50′ Each)
Minute 3: 5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups

** Athlete’s score is lowest round assault bike

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