There’s a figure of speech used around the strongman implements. They’re referred to as “odd objects”. After all, they aren’t much like the usual suspects in a gym like dumbbells, plates, and kettlebells, are they?
Well, the strongman tools may be less common, but I’d argue they are no more “odd” than a kettlebell. Most every fitness tool is quite peculiar. We’ve simply normalized some over others.
How you move around these objects and with these objects is ultimately what’s important. If you look at each tool as a unique environment to move, you’ll start to see that what we teach you in class can’t be categorized in groups like “normal” or “odd”. In fact, you’ll be taught the best way to move with the object in front of you whether it’s a long skinny rail with spinning collars like a barbell or it’s a rock.
Logan Gelbrich
11/26/18 WOD
Make 5 attempts at the following:
100’ Keg Carry
Then, complete the following for reps:
:60 Max Reps Stone-to-Shoulder