Don’t have the mentality of an athlete? Guess what? It doesn’t matter. In fact, even once-in-a-generation-type athletes manage to struggle with their health and fitness. Have you seen Charles Barkley lately? He’s an incredible, hall of fame-level athlete who understands resilience, commitment, speed, power, and mental toughness. While you will never be able to demonstrate the speed, agility, and technical athletics he’s masters, I’d be he couldn’t keep up with you in the gym.
This isn’t an article bashing Charles. It’s an article freeing you of the stories that might be brewing in your mind. You are made of all the things required for mind blowing levels of fitness.
It is simple fact that we have a choice in how we show up (or not) that negates the story that “other” people can be super fit, but not us normals. “Those people” aren’t different than you. In fact, the ultra-fit, strong, flexible people you look up to as something other than you aren’t cut from a different cloth. If you need to understand this by being made aware that your sports heroes aren’t infallible, then so be it.
Want a more positive approach? You might be surprised at which of the fittest of your classmates used to be a completely different person altogether not long ago. Go for it!
Logan Gelbrich
11/19/18 WOD
Complete the following for time:
Front Squats (BW)
Calories (Bike or Rower)