Let me be clear. I understand that today, as you’re reading this, your attention is being competed for more than ever before in your life. Here’s the deal. Cancer is horrible. Maybe the only thing more horrible is when kids get cancer.
It turns out there’s a pediatric cancer called neuroblastoma that kids get in the first few years of their lives, it turns families upside down, and the children rarely survive. Coincidentally, we’ve worked with our friends at Power Athlete HQ and their non-profit Wade’s Army to directly support families affected by neuroblastoma for several years now and we need your help.
If this isn’t landing for you, consider that one of our very own student’s young son just finished his last treatment for neuroblastoma and he, despite the odds, has triumphed over it! Today is a day to raise money for this catastrophic condition and I’m asking you to join me in contributing to this cause.
Logan Gelbrich
11/12/18 WOD
“Wade’s Day”
Complete 5 rounds for time:
11 One Arm DB Power Snatch (50/30)
12 One Arm DB Thrusters
11 Weighted Pull Ups