Culture will often make or break the world’s best teams and organizations. Deep down we might even realize the truth, which is that culture is bigger and more important than effective leadership. Unfortunately, when it comes to culture, we all too often assume it’s a magical quality that can’t be held down long enough to understand and even recreate.
We beg to differ.
“Developing an Unbeatable Culture”, is a premium resource for anyone looking to change an existing flailing group dynamic or wanting to build a brand new high performance group. Not only does it have roots in two seperate case studies, it outlines repeatable principles that unify the highest performing cultures in the world. Not only can you refer back to these evergreen mechanics of high performance culture, there are exercises built into the text that can put your organization’s culture and processes to the test immediately.
If you missed it, earlier this year thousands of coaches downloaded our guide to “Developing World Class Coaches” for FREE. This and the rest of our educational resources from coaching, leadership, and business development can be found at prep.deucegym.com now!
Logan Gelbrich
11/6/18 WOD
Spend 15 minutes working on handstand push ups…
Then, AMRAP 15
5 Unbroken Strict Pull Ups
10 Unbroken Push Ups
15 Single Arm DB Clean and Jerk (50/35)