In the same way that the Hold the Standard™ concept is an umbrella we all live, work, and operate under at DEUCE Gym, the concept itself transcends fitness. If you haven’t taken up the belief that this place is more than a physical fitness gym, then you’re likely not paying attention.
It’s our view that leadership is a teachable skill. If you believe that then leadership becomes of interest to us all not just the CEOs and managers in the crowd.
It is with great pleasure that we announce a brand new resource for the Hold the Standard conversation. HoldTheStandard.com is a place to find online education, FREE weekly content, and everything you’ll need to better understand leadership and educational culture.
Bookmark the new site here.
Logan Gelbrich
10/30/18 WOD
5 Rounds for Time
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)