We all have limiting factors as movers. These are the specific elements that create a log jam in our progress. When it comes to range of motion related issues I find that there are two extremes.
The first, most common, extreme is simply inflexibility. When movers haven’t developed the ability to get into a position because of immobility at any number of joints in the system, they will either a) not get into position or b) make compromises elsewhere to accomplish the task. Neither are ideal. These individuals ought to train in ranges of motion that they have “earned” with ideal posture and position and work like hell to gain the range of motion required for the activities they enjoy most.
The second is hypermobility. My brother, for example, is naturally extremely limber, which comes with a host of advantages especially when it comes to getting into positions that their less flexible counterparts cannot.
What these individuals need is stability. Their limiting factor is an inability, at times, to create the requisite tension required for the job, which I like to call “task specific tension”. Being at the bottom of a front squat with twice your body weight on the bar is no place to be loosey goosey, after all. Training strict strength, isometric work, and tempo drills are a fair guide to remedying this situation.
Whether you’re Gumby or the Tin Man, you’ve got work to do. Get to it!
Logan Gelbrich
10/24/18 WOD
Find a 1RM DL from Blocks
Then, EMOM 15
1. 8 Seated DB Press (AHAP)
2. 8/10 AB Calories
3. :30 Max Sledgehammer Strikes