Former Nirvana drummer, Dave Grohl, is a rock legend. His musical success seems to be objective at this point because he’s continued to win in the industry across decades and even disciplines in music. While he’s now the front man for Foo Fighters, he rose to musical mastery behind the drum kit.
Several years into his career, mostly in punk bands, he demonstrated enough skill to drum for various bands. While none made his particularly rich or famous, he was undoubtedly a musician. Then, he decided to take a drum lesson.
That’s right. He taught himself. What is more is that this drum lesson was also he last. You see, the entire time he’d be holding one of the drum sticks wrong as he played. This, of course, was his teacher’s first bit of advice.
Rather than taking the advice, Grohl decided he didn’t want to change his fundamental base which served him and he then rose to his stardom of today maintaining his personal style.
What’s important here is two fold:
- Conformity isn’t required.
- Results are.
Grohl told the dogma of drumming to stick it where the sun don’t shine, but he also found is own way to results. Rock your style, people, but make sure you only ignore your teacher if you’ve got results worth ignoring them for.
Logan Gelbrich
10/12/18 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6 RDLs
8 Windmills (Ea)
10 Half Kneeling DB Presses (Ea)
Then, “Death By Push Press”
EMOM Until Failure
4 Push Presses (95/65)
**Athletes add 2 push presses each minute until failure