When looking at a graph of someone’s physical ability in any metric, we notice points plotted on their respective places on the x-axis and y-axis. These points form a curved line, which marks the edge of the athlete’s ability. By definition, beyond the curved line are performances and abilities not yet obtained. The space under the curve, though, is what the athlete has demonstrated she can do.
We’ve discussed at length on this blog about the need for stress near the edge of our capacity to grow it. Nonetheless, an equal and opposite case can be made for the groundwork that supports the edge of our capacity. This, of course, is the time spent under the curve.
If a powerlifter is to go out and deadlift a weight she’s never pulled before, it’s important to note that is the endless sets of five done in training that are holding up such a fringy expression of power. For the mile time trial runner looking to run his race sub-five minutes, surely he will call upon all the six minute repeats he’s done to get there.
Today is a day to fill in the space under the curve. It’s not a glamorous day, but, don’t forget: the glamorous days rest on the shoulders of the mundane work done under the curve.
Logan Gelbrich
10/3/18 WOD
20 DB Front Rack Walking Lunges (50/30)
20 Burpees
20 Front Squats (135/95)
20 Pull Ups
200m Run