Today marks the last quarter in 2018. Say what you want about the seemingly increasing speed at which time flies by, but the fact of the matter is 2019 is bearing down on us. As you wrap up your year, it’s important to take inventory and reflect.
As an organization, we’re obsessed with information. Call it feedback, call it data, or call it whatever you want. If you’re interested in the truth, like we are, you’ll need to ingest enough information to make quality decisions.
If you don’t have a tradition of intentional reflection yet, I can give you a taste of how we do year end feedback. Here are some prompts that you might find helpful:
- Was I reliable? Did I say what I intended? Did I do what I said I was going to do?
- Did I hold myself accountable throughout the last year? Or did I blame others? Do I hold myself and others to the same set of standards?
- How well did I commit to controlling the controllables of the process? (i.e. systems, procedures, checklists, etc).
- Was I open to negative feedback? Am I interested in disconfirming information as much as I am confirming information?
Spend time with these questions. Journal on them. I hope they inform an even better 2019 for you.
Logan Gelbrich
10/1/18 WOD
Overhead Squat
Then, EMOM 12
Minute 1: 300′ Shuttle Run
Minute 2: :30 Max Slam Balls
Minute 3: 10 Pullups