Neuroblastoma isn’t just a horrible pediatric cancer that strikes early and hard, it hits us close to home. Each year we join our friends at Power Athlete HQ in support of Wade’s Army. Wade’s Army is a non-profit that sends 100% of proceeds directly to clinical trials.
This organization is small, agile, and powerful, which is important in a world where non-profit business can be heavy on the high-paid CEOs and private jets and light on the giving. This effort is all about giving.
We’ll be hosting a day of awareness for this effort October 12th. Our fundraising efforts will culminate on Wade’s Day this November 12th.
Want to help? DONATE.
Logan Gelbrich
9/27/18 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Alternating Rolling Pistols
:60 Weighted Plank
10 False Grip Ring Rows
400m Run
Max Pull Ups