The GPP training today invites a secondary level of adaptation. Sure, the sweat and hard breathing will evolve your physiological self by improving your fitness, but what if you could play a secondary game, as well?
Consider that beyond the mile run, you’ll have a choice whether to take breaks in your movement or not. Technically, the following training could be scaled to give all athletes a chance to do the movements unbroken, but the reality is that almost everyone who attempts today’s workout will take a break or three.
The large volume sets of wall balls (50 reps) and the pull ups (30 reps) invites the secondary game I alluded to above. If you can make an intelligent prediction and subsequent deal with yourself before the workout begins about how you’ll break up today’s work, you can not only evolve your physicality today, but your mental strength, as well. Let’s say before the workout, for example, you decide you’ll do the wall balls in three big sets of twenty, twenty, and ten reps respectively.
We all know that when you’re well rested and not under stress before the workout, you’ll be deciding the plan of action. Once you’re under the stress of the training, however, it’s much more difficult to stick with your plan. When you can’t breathe and are under stress, you may be inclined to wonder, “Did I say twenty reps on the wall ball? Surely, I said sets of ten..” Inside of this beautiful little experiment is a microcosm for life.
Practice this in the training, and you may be able to borrow some of this fortitude outside the gym. Good luck!
Logan Gelbrich
9/7/18 WOD
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
40 Double Unders
30 Pull Ups
20 Burpees