I once met an elite powerlifter who had something to say about the often unspoken side of his sport. For guys who squat over 1100 pounds, there isn’t much chatter about health and injuries. He said that when it comes to your training, “being available is more important than being able.”
We talk a great deal about readiness at DEUCE Gym. Since we are most focused on general physical preparedness (GPP), we often refer to one’s fitness level as their ready state. What are you prepared to do right now? What are you not prepared to do? This is your fitness level.
As it turns out, injured people (who are otherwise quite fit) can’t do much. This is exactly what my strong acquaintance was trying to say above. As our friends at BIRTHFIT say, “just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
Maybe you can do this or that in the gym, but the more important question for your health and your performance is, “Will you be available to train tomorrow?”
Logan Gelbrich
9/6/18 WOD
In 6 minutes, find a heavy power clean…
Then, complete the following for time:
30 Deadlifts (185/135)
20 Cleans
10 Muscle Ups