DEUCE Gym does two things. It gets people fit by coaching them to improved performance and it develops coaches. Coach’s Prep is DEUCE’s coaches development solution. It has three parts.. a mentorship, three levels of testing, and a weekly practical class. This video is a look inside that practical class.
This Saturday practical class is a time for the coaching staff and all prospective students to do drills and discuss concepts together. More than 150 other coaches from around the world follow an online coaching developmental course under the DEUCE banner called Coach’s Prep 101.
Interested? Enroll here.
Logan Gelbrich
8/22/18 WOD
Complete the following for time of:
40 Push Presses (155/105)
Then, EMOM 5
:10 Assault Bike Sprint
-Rest 2 min-
:07 Assault Bike Sprint
-Rest 2 min-
:05 Assault Bike Sprint