If you want transformational change (or you’d like to facilitate the change in someone else), you’ll need to begin with two things. This type of vulnerable work between two people must have 1) willingness and 2) trust.
Without willingness, there’s no opt-in to take on the work. You cannot force someone into adaptive change. They must choose it. Do you want adaptive change? Well, it’s not coming until you become willing.
The second element required for this type of work is trust. Without trust it’s impossible for the subject to extend his/her self into the space of vulnerability required for the work to reach his/her edges. After All, it’s at our edges that the deep work takes place. As long as there is a lack of trust, the subject will hedge against going to his/her edge.
Logan Gelbrich
8/21/18 WOD
Complete the following for time of:
35 Strict Pull-ups
Deadlift (155/105)
Cal Row/ Bike
Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Pull Ups