While our head shouldn’t get so big as to assume that we’re famous, but one thing is true. The people that know about the DEUCE thing aren’t moderate in their feelings about it. Hell, if you’re caught in public as a DEUCE person and you run into one of the few that appreciate what we do, you might be in for a treat.
That’s exactly what one of our students experienced on the road a few days ago. Long story made shorter, this DEUCE member was on a last minute run up to San Francisco. Short on cash and without a place to stay, our trusty member just so happened to leave a DEUCE Gym Hooligan Squat Gang sticker at a kava bar on accident. In fact, it was his last one and he intended on putting it somewhere “important”, but left it behind.
Unbeknownst to our student, a stranger came in shortly after and took the same seat at the bar. Noticing the sticker looked familiar, this stranger texted his friend, Homer Parkes, of DEUCE Backlot.
Homer responded to the text image of the sticker with a simple, “Where?” To which his friend divulged, “This random kava bar in sf.”
Since Homer noticed this member was in San Francisco, he texted him on a hunch: “This u”
The rest is history. Homer’s friend connected with our sticker littering member, who needed a place to stay. Homer’s friend had a spare room and since he was a DEUCE person, it was an obvious guest worth hosting.
Has DEUCE gear got you some respect on the road? We want to hear about it!
Logan Gelbrich
8/17/18 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Single Arm KB Deadlifts (70/53)
100′ Single Arm Farmer’s Carry
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of:
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
400m Run
8 Strict Pull Ups
200m Run
50’ Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunges (50/30)