Last week I received an interesting phone call. A well-known self-made billionaire needed a full time trainer and given our capacity to develop a volume of quality coaches, we’d be tasked with filling the role.
The job would change this fitness professional’s life forever. Given some of the needs of the job, the person hired for the job like wouldn’t be very established financially. The nature of this job would take a qualified, likely underpaid person from the hustle and uncertainty to contentment and freedom.
The irony here is that there’s no preparing for this. There’s no job application. Becoming aware of a possibility like this happens after you get the job. Said differently, people only get this job based on how they act before they know they are “interviewing” for the very kind of thing. When you’re struggling to pay rent and wondering if you’ll ever make it your problems can seem impossibly overwhelming.
Sitting down with a pen and paper and a cup of coffee in an effort to somehow solve your paycheck to paycheck lifestyle may help, but surely there is no financial relief coming by the time the coffee mug is empty. The same is true for getting a feeling of stability in your life. How would you actually do that? Is it really a matter of putting the right pie graph on paper? No, it’s a process that seems like it’d be impossible to do in a day. It feels that way because it is.
Yet, this monumental job opportunity happens in an instant. The phone rings and your life is different forever. How does that work?
It works because you earn an opportunity that seemingly falls out of the sky with every effort and action in your life leading up to the point of your phone ringing. Not all change has a gradient, sometimes life is one escapable reality right up until the moment that it isn’t.
If it seems like you can’t do anything this afternoon to whiteboard your breakthrough success by using the screen printing business opportunities, then be rest assured that your personal brand is what gets you those results, anyway. Act accordingly. (You won’t be getting a notification for the opportunities you could have had.)
Logan Gelbrich
8/10/18 WOD
Complete 2 rounds for quality of:
250m Row Sprint
50′ Bear Crawl
15 Ring Dips
Then, AMRAP 21
5 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Sit Ups
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)
200m Run