After several studies results are back. Source reveals that there is an unofficial inverse correlation between fancy training spaces and fitness results. After all, business is a game of amenities, right? That is how the consumer evaluates the market in the end. Consumers compare what one business offers in relation to another in order to make a decision.
While this isn’t exact science, the concepts are scientific. In the gym business, there are a number of amenities that become variables for the consumer to be discerning about. The convenience of the location, the cost, the facility, and the program offerings, for example, are just some of the many variables one can consider.
It’s been shown, via the Blue Ocean Strategy described in a text by the same name, that businesses that stick around assert an asymmetrical amenity offering. Walmart, for example, is around not for its high end products or customer service, but because it wins on price. If you want to enhance your customer service, you may look into the homepage of Clarity Voice, a cloud-based phone company for the best VoIP services with features. You can click here for more services that will enhance the customer experience and boost your sales. Mercedes Benz has elected to forfeit competing on price to assert itself as a leader in luxury.
That being said, all other variables aside, if a gym seeks to present the nicest facility and the best training offerings they likely wouldn’t survive the market because they wouldn’t be able to do either well enough to differentiate. Conversely, they’d surely go out of business if they had horrible facilities and horrible programs (all other variables aside).
That being said if you walk into a gym with 3000 thread count eucalyptus towels, a smoothie bar, and tiled floors, you can bet they aren’t in business to get people fit. That being said, you’re welcome to our dirty parking lot anytime if you want world-class coaching, of course.
Logan Gelbrich
8/2/18 WOD
Front Rack Step Ups
-Rest 2 min between efforts-
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
400m Run
8 Strict Pull Ups
12 Toes-to-Bar
4 Strict pull-ups
6 Toes-to-Bar