With our first official collaboration since our exclusive work with lululemon in past years, DEUCE is working closer than ever with Canadian shoe and apparel manufacturer STR/KE Movement. The STR/KE brand is rooted in performance apparel that supports freedom of movement expression and aesthetically blurs the lines of where life in the gym ends and life outside of the gym begins.
While we’ve hosted co-branded events and created co-branded apparel, this is the first time we’ve taken on a partnership in our pro shop retailing STR/KE goods and shoes exclusively.
Need some new kicks? We got you. Need some new threads? Check them out!
Logan Gelbrich
8/1/18 WOD
Complete the following for reps:
Max Weighted Pull Ups (44/35)
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
10 KB Swings (70/53)
10 Burpees
10 KB Swings
10/8 Cal Row