Did you know that downtown Los Angeles is home to a world renown testing facility? That’s right. Elysian Park is home to Dodger Stadium, which is a testing facility for top end baseball performance.
While that might seem obvious now, there’s still a key distinction to be made. That distinction is that while some warm ups and fine tuning drills are done before games on the property, most Dodger training happens elsewhere. The Dodgers, for example, have developmental teams all around the country and a training facility in Glendale, AZ. Practice happens there. Dodger Stadium is for showing off the fruits of practice.
Similarly, the gym environment can suffer from mistaken identity. DEUCE Gym is your Spring Training facility. Sure, we’ll do some evaluation here to understand progress, but the purpose of this place is to train.
If DEUCE is a place to train, then that means there are no games to win here. There are no spectators, no concession stands, and no scoreboard.
Your life can have plenty of places where you participate in Friday night lights, but DEUCE is a place to refine your craft. To miss this point, would mean mistaking the batting cage for Game 7.
Logan Gelbrich
7/27/18 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Chest Supported Rows
:15 Crow Hold
4 Skin-the-Cats
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
6 Unbroken Hang Power Clean and Jerks (115/75)
800m Run
8 Unbroken Hang Power Clean and Jerks
400m Run
10 Unbroken Hang Power Clean and Jerks
12 Unbroken Hang Power Clean and Jerks
**Immediately pay a 10 burpee penalty if any set is broken