Bad signaling means you’re getting misleading information. It’s a phrase usually passed around in the financial world when certain metrics indicate a trend incorrectly. I bet we all can agree that life is hard enough and that, at least, we ought to able to accurately perceive the feedback we get, especially when it’s negative.
If you are consciously or subconsciously subscribing to the notion that failure is a signal that you’re off track, you might be misled. Surely, if you’re missing the target repeatedly you might be due for an adjustment. Let’s not take this so far as to assume something crazy like we ought to dodge failure, however.
Failure isn’t a thing to avoid. It’s as part of this process as the sky is blue. As well decorated comedian, Aisha Tyler, puts it, “The only way to get funny is to bomb.”
Carry on.
Logan Gelbrich
7/19/18 WOD
Make 5 attempts at the following for load:
50′ Farmer’s Carry
Then, complete the following for time of:
Push Presses (135/95)
Box Jumps 24/20)