Flat out, what ailment would qualify someone to give up training and practicing movement? If you broke your wrist, should you hang ‘em up until it heals? What about a sprained ankle? If you had a torn rotator cuff, should you put movement on hold to do just do physical therapy (which is also movement)? Maybe a sore neck would warrant being sedentary or a pulled hamstring or a broken hand or a bruised rib.
I think when we sit with this question, we start to recognize how quickly we axe our movement practice. Without sounding dramatic, I can’t think of a better thing for someone to do, whether they are in a wheelchair, on crutches, or just generally banged up, to do than to continue to move in the ways that don’t prolong the ailment. Halting movement seems like a recipe for failure and stagnation in every other area.
Don’t put your movement practice on a pedestal. It’s not extreme and it need not be rare. Movement is life and as long as you’re breathing you can (and should) get yourself in here to move. Continue to move, even if you’ve got a boo boo.
Logan Gelbrich
7/12/18 WOD
Bar Dips
Then, AMRAP 20
400m Run
50′ Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25)
10 Hang Power Santches (115/75)