They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. That, of course, applies to all relationships except your relationship with fitness, right? The moment we get some time away from the gym, we tend to lose our win streak with training and it actually becomes harder and harder to hold on to our connection to a lifestyle of fitness. Wouldn’t you agree?
One of the things that we like to talk about in the FREE ‘Intro Session’ when prospective students sit down with us to discuss joining the gym is this very concept. The fact is this phenomenon is often a driving force in the all too common rollercoaster relationship most people have with a training practice. Most people are good with healthy living when they’re good, and they’re not when they’re not. The trouble is we’re mostly not.
When we talk about this idea with prospective students, we call out our unique ability to keep students connected mentally when they aren’t here physically. While you’ll need to actually physically train to make the gains you want in the gym, there is massive value in the notion that when you travel or miss a few extra days at the gym that your mind stays enrolled in the program. While you might not be doing fitness when you’re changing planes in Dallas for a work conference, the simple fact that you are signed up to a program that is continuing without you and expecting your return is invaluable.
Don’t buy it? Consider that the normal experience is much less connected. When we take those work trips and feel no allegiance to a program back home or our gym membership doesn’t include accountability that would notice that we even left in the first place, it’s much easier to just not come back.
The next time life pulls you away from us, don’t underestimate the power of keeping a part of you mind here at 110 Lincoln Boulevard.
Logan Gelbrich
6/21/18 WOD
Back Squat Against Bands
Barbell Good Mornings
Then, complete the following for time:
15 Power Cleans (225/185)