I’ve often thought about the stark difference between the two seemingly identical situations. In one situation, a team member fails a task and in the other situation the team member fails the exact same task, but is more troubled by the failure than everyone else on the team.
Now, I’m not masochist. What I’m about to say isn’t that we ought to bask in misery, I just believe that that second scenario is markedly better than the first for everyone involved. The individual whose standard is highest and, therefore, who has the most skin in the game to improve upon the failure is much more valuable to him or herself as well as the rest of the team.
The willingness to run towards, rather than run away from difficult feedback is a difficult, yet universally superior attribute when considering peak performance is the desired outcome.
We recently accepted a new intern from Singapore, Melanie Lim. While she has followed the gym for some time via Coach’s Prep 101 and attended the Hold the Standard™ Summit in Sydney, Australia, she’s now inside the gym seeing for herself how well (or not so well) we do things.
The million dollar question, of course, is, “Do we live up to the hype?” When someone flies twenty hours by plane to see if you’re what you claim to be, there’s a clear feeling of accountability. Inviting in this type of accountability is important to our goals to be the best in the world.
How can you invite accountability into your life?
Logan Gelbrich
6/19/18 WOD
Sumo Deadlift
Thrusters (75/55)
Calorie Row