There’s no shortage of challenge in life and, with a premise like that, it seems that we ought to help ourselves out a bit. Wouldn’t you agree?
When it comes to the people in your inner circle, there are incredible influences (both positively and negatively) on the energy you’re fed. The right people can bring an abundance of fresh motivation, a feeling of security, and they can paint a gloss of positivity on things. Conversely, the wrong people can energetically drag things to a crawl, stifle fun, and impede your ability to see new possibilities.
Take inventory of your inner circle. How is the energy level around this group? Is it assisting you? Or, does it feel like a drag?
Logan Gelbrich
6/15/18 WOD
Snatch Balance
Hang Power Snatch
Then, complete 4 rounds for time:
400m Run
10 OHS (75/55)