There’s a semi-comical phrase that was thrown around practice in the last few years of my baseball career: “You can’t be halfway pregnant.” The reason for the comment was to embrace the power of conviction. Hesitation yields poor results no matter the arena, but especially when baserunning.
Now, there are a number of fully understandable reasons why hesitation shows up. Fear interrupts our decisiveness and indecision also can be manifested as a defense mechanism against risk. Nonetheless, hesitation yields poor results despite these justifications.
Many times what you decide is less important than deciding. Even full send failures are more respected than halfway ones. Flip the switch and decide, because without you’ll never have a chance to fully express your goals, anyway.
Logan Gelbrich
6/6/18 WOD
Complete 4 rounds:
:20 Max Hollow Rocks
-Rest :10-
:20 Ring Support Hold
-Rest :10-
Then, complete the following for quality:
50 Hanging Leg Raises
Then, complete 6 rounds for time of:
200m Run
200′ Sled Push
10 Burpees
10 Cal Assault Bike