CrossFit is free and it always has been. The same is true for most exercise, in fact. I’d like to add that if you’re paying for CrossFit, you’re wasting money.
Don’t believe me? You can find the world’s best CrossFit workouts for FREE daily here and here and literally thousands of other websites just like them.
Now, I guess, the equipment costs money. You could pay a small fee, say $30 per month, and do this free CrossFit in a corporate gym. In that sense, access to CrossFit may cost upwards of $30 per month if you don’t have any equipment. Keep in mind, we ran a quality training program in the park for years with miscellaneous kettlebells and medballs without repeating the same training day twice just fine, so it’ll be up to you to decide how much equipment you need to excuse your fitness progress.
Millions of people are happily paying money for something, though. Are they all wrong?
Of course, not. The students that come to DEUCE, for example, are paying for coaching. Read this carefully: The CrossFit is free. The coaching cost money.
This is a shift of the mind that we aim to make very clear in our ‘Intro Session’ with our students. Unfortunately, countless practitioners and surprisingly countless gyms are misguided in this logic. To consider the Crossfit methodology as the reason for your membership price both cheapens the CrossFit experience and rewards mediocrity in the coaching of it. If you want CrossFit to be better than its stereotype, pay for coaching rather than the workout.
Logan Gelbrich
5/29/18 WOD
In 10 Minutes, establish a heavy Touch-and-go power clean..
Then, complete the following for time:
3 Rounds:
200m run
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
7 Box Jumps (30/24)
-Rest 3 min-
3 Rounds:
200m Run
15 Sit Ups
7 Power Cleans (135/95)