We invite you to join us on Memorial Day, Monday May 28, at 11AM for a DEUCE Gym tradition. All classes will be cancelled in observance of the holiday and we will perform one workout, a tribute to Michael Murphy. All are welcome to Memorial Day “Murph”.
While Lt. Michael Murphy likely would have preferred his story not be the center of national news, a best selling novel, and major Hollywood motion picture, I think we’re all better of with his story transcending word-of–mouth lore in the “teams”. The teams, of course, refer to the US Navy SEAL teams. It’s in a four-man reconnaissance team that “Murph” lost his life while hunting a major Al Qaeda objective in the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan. Insurgents surrounded him and three other teammates and what ensued was a remarkable firefight.
Three of the four men, including “Murph,” were killed in the fight. More than a dozen additional operators were killed in a rescue helicopter that was shot down at the scene, as well. At the time it was the largest loss of life incident in US Navy SEAL history. One man, Marcus Luttrell, survived and his book later become a popular film starring Mark Wahlberg.
During the firefight, “Murph” walked out in to open fire to call for help. Here he took fire while on the line giving his location for help. After dropping his satellite phone, he was able to pick it back up under gunfire and say “Thank you” before hanging up and taking fatal rounds from enemy combatants.
“Murph” was posthumously award the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest military honor for his actions. Each Memorial Day honor those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, including Lt. Murphy, with a workout. In fact, Murph’s favorite workout, which he named “Body Armor” as he believed it would give him protection while fighting overseas, has been renamed in his honor.
“Body Armor”
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
**If you have weight vest or body armor, wear it
Since this workout is notoriously long and grueling, we’re providing additional “Murph” prep training to athletes each week. If you’re interested, please ask a coach or consult the back of the daily whiteboard.
All are welcome. We will have a taco cart (and you can BYOB). Come by to workout (or not) and share this special day with us. We encourage a number of scaling options for this workout and it can be done in small groups, as well. If you’re coming, make it Facebook official here.
See you this Memorial Day!
Logan Gelbrich
4/25/18 WOD
20 Deadlifts (225/185)
30 DB Push Press (50/30)
40 Alternating Pistols
400m Run