I’m not into violence. I was never a bully and I’m not one of those weird guys that secretly itches to get into a bar fight. Sometimes these things happen, however, especially when you’re younger. While I don’t think it’s wise to look for a fight, there are times I could make a case for it. Call it an injustice or a need to protect yourself or a loved one, there are times where it’s important to fight.
I’ve been fortunate enough to find myself in a fight or two. I’ll say I’m especially fortunate to say I’ve even lost a fight before. I found that in the few instances where violence showed up in my life, it was important that I stayed to fight. An odd thing happens when you fight on behalf of something that’s worth fighting for. I found that when it was all over, winning and losing felt about the same simply because you stood your ground.
What would you stand your ground for? Are you willing to mix it up a bit for an injustice? Protection? A loved one? I’d hope so.
Logan Gelbrich
3/23/18 WOD
Build up to a heavy single strict press..
Then, complete 2 rounds for quality of:
8 Strict Presses (~65%)
12 DB Chest Supported Rows
Then, AMRAP 9
9 Hand Release Push Ups
12 KB Swings (53/35)
15 Squats