Have you ever sat through a dinner party, ate your meal, got in the car, and drove home wishing the evening was more fun? I think about this often. One hundred percent of dinner party guests wish it to be a fun evening. In fact, I’d bet the farm that zero dinner party guests drive home from a lackluster evening thinking, “Perfect! Not a ounce of enjoyment, alas!”
What I’m getting at here is simply that when it comes down to it, we all generally want the same things. We want to feel safe, to feel apart of something, and we’d like to have a good time along the way. Far too often people are in a room unanimously acting in opposition to universal desires.
If you’d like to be accepted around the gym, then please accept others around the gym. If you’d like the environment to be fun, please… be fun.
After all, how tragic is it to posture against your desires in a room full of people doing the same thing? Let’s agree to have a good time and be the individual we’d all like to be around instead. The alternative is for us all to get in the car and drive home thinking, “Well, I wish that went different.”
Logan Gelbrich
2/2/18 WOD
Complete the following for time:
15 Unbroken Deadlifts (AHAP)
12 Unbroken Deadlifts
400m Run
9 Unbroken Deadlifts
800m Run