Thank goodness we have the freedom to speak our minds (so far). I think we’re all in agreement when I echo the importance of an environment that doesn’t stifle self-expression.
On the other hand, it’d be silly to illogically connect the righteousness of freedom of expression with its right-ness. In fact, the mere notion that everyone can ecpress their thoughts and beliefs freely means that there’s a guarantee that there is bad information being passed.
This brings about the idea of believability. I’m stealing this term from Bridgewater’s founder, Ray Dalio, who says that believability is earned with a repeated, successful track record in the area in question. Everyone has a voice, but maybe we only ought to consider the believable folks if we want positive outcomes.
There are two things to hear in this message:
- Seek believability when making decisions. It’s the information age and we’re all drinking information out of a fire hose. Cut through the noise. As harsh as it sounds, everyone has a voice but not all voices are valued equally.
- Become believable. Are you just running your mouth, or have you demonstrated the ability to hold an important opinion? If you want to make an impact, at some point you’ll need to demonstrate believability.
At the height of the information age, it’s never been more important to be discerning in what information you take in. God bless the believable ones.
Logan Gelbrich
1/17/18 WOD
Find 1 RM Bench Press
5×5 Weighted Strict Pullups
3×10 Slide to Hollow
Then, complete the following for time:
Run 1 Mile
Hi-Rep Finisher:
100 Banded Hamstring Curls