Each year we play a lifestyle game called the Whole Life Challenge to up our health and fitness. For six weeks, participants will improve their performance, nutrition habits, and make a measurable body transformation. The context of the community and combined with an interactive scoreboard make for the perfect accountability for results and it all starts January 20th.
Each player’s score is comprised of three parts:
- Performance (25%). Participants will complete a baseline workout to start the challenge and repeat this effort upon completion of the challenge. Your score is based on improvement.
- Body Transformation (25%). Whether it be body fat percentage, inches, or bodyweight, participants will take an objective measure of their body to start the challenge and remeasure upon completion of the challenge. Your score is based on improvement.
- Lifestyle Game (50%). Each day participants will log points in compliance with lifestyle practices including nutrition, exercise, mobility, and sleep. With an opportunity for thirty five points, this daily log creates a leaderboard for interactive game play.
Think of this time as a socially reinforced way to get what you want from your health and fitness. Plus, if you are make it on the podium as one of the most improved, you can win cash and prizes!
Ready to join our team? Sign up here!
Logan Gelbrich
1/3/18 WOD
Complete 5 attempts for load of:
1 Hang Power Snatch
1 Full Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
200’ SB Carry (BW)
400m Run
20 Wallballs (20/14)