We are proud to announce the start of a partnership with Animo Venice Charter High School! Working with younger athletes has always been a passion for us. We have been fortunate enough to have had a handful of high school athletes who have entered our gates and have developed into strong-minded human beings. We plan to continue that journey by expanding into Animo.
This strength and conditioning program will be hosted on campus after school through the Green DOT and ARC-Experience organizations. Sessions will run Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30-4:30PM and it is open to all students and free of cost.
The program is set to start after winter break in early January and will consist of part educational and part physical. Sessions will have a topic for a day along with an emphasis on a major movement. By the end of the year, the goal is for students to understand fundamental human movement as well the basics of nutrition, and recovery.
Two of our very own motivated Coach’s Prep students will be leading this charge. Amy Bauer and Teal Montgomery have been busy preparing their curriculum for the new year. Stay tuned for great things to come!
Juan Guadarrama
12/19/17 WOD
5 Power Cleans (185/125)
10 Wall Balls (20/14)
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
100′ Lateral Sled Walk (AHAP)
100′ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)
10 Cal Assault Bike Sprint