**DEUCE Garage will close at 5:30PM to support the Holiday Party**
It’s time to celebrate your year of fitness with DEUCE Gym! The 2017 Holiday Party kicks off tonight at 7PM with dinner, LIVE music, good company, and drinks. If you’ve yet to get your drink tickets and you’ll be joining us at the open bar, you’ll need to purchase that wristband before the party. You can purchase those tickets here.
All are welcome so feel free to bring friends and family regards if they train with us or not. You’ll enjoy the sweet sounds of a Ease Up and all the good food you can eat courtesy of Clutch.
Joining us? Sound off in the Facebook event page, so we know to expect you.
Logan Gelbrich
12/15/17 WOD
400m Run
100′ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)