We are proud to announce the start of a new class at Deuce Gym! We now are offering seniors 65+ of limited abilities the chance to explore the power of independent strength. In this class, we will re-learn basic human mechanics, develop strength, practice balance, challenge coordination, and train our cardiovascular system.
The pace is at comfort with coaching that is scaled to the individual. Athletes will not be asked to do anything that they are not comfortable with. The goal is to maintain the confidence to do daily tasks. I aim to keep a high standard of living to the things that matter, such as meeting with friends, carrying grandkids, and traveling.
This idea came about through my experience training the gentleman pictured above, Jaime McGregor (75). He has been an amazing, consistent athlete who has been able to conquer his fears. He suffered a stroke not too long ago that has affected the left side of his body. Through exercise, we have been able to develop the ability to get up off the ground, push-ups off a box, play catch, and deadlift. He has even taken multiple trips to Europe and has enjoyed the liberty of walking the deep steps at the Roman ruins.
I look forward to sharing the gift of physical independence and fostering new relationships. If you have any questions please shoot me an email at juan@deucegym.com.
Tuesday/ Thursday 11AM
Cost: $25 per class
Juan Guadarrama
12/14/17 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on muscle up technique..
Then, Complete 5 rounds for reps of:
3 Thrusters (95/65)
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
-Rest 2 Minutes-