It’s with great pride that we’d like to announce that DEUCE GPP coach, Dr. Lindsey Mathews DC, will be speaking this weekend in Austin, Texas at the 2017 Power Athlete Symposium. The annual educational summit for performance oriented coaches and practitioners donates all proceeds to Wade’s Army, a non-profit that funds clinical trials to save children from neuroblastoma.
Coach Lindsey will share the podium with the country’s brightest coaching and clinical minds including former SEAL Team Six operator Andy Stumpf, New York Times best selling author Robb Wolf, and strength and conditioning legend Raph Ruiz. Lindsey is also the founder of BIRTHFIT, a worldwide resource for women around the motherhood transition. With programs, doulas, nutritionists, trainers, midwives, and nearly a hundred brick-and-mortar affiliates to empower women before, during, and after birth, BIRTHFIT is making waves with women worldwide.
As a result, much of the staff will be flying to Austin this weekend to soak up the knowledge and a pillow fight or two. May education continue to move us forward. Classes will continue as usual.
You can get more details about the event here.
Logan Gelbrich
12/4/17 WOD
Complete the following for time:
15, 14, 13..1 KB Swings (53/35)
1, 2, 3.. 15 Burpees
50 Toes-to-Bar