The staff is excited to announce the first ever DEUCE Gym ‘Secret Santa’ and you’re invited to participate. This is optional, but strongly encouraged. All you need to do is declare that you want to play along by opting in with this link here.
Once you’ve opted in, we will pair you with a partner by December 15, which is the date of our holiday party that shouldn’t be missed, either. As per universally accepted ‘Secret Santa’ rules, you’ll be assigned a fellow DEUCE Gym member to give a holiday gift to. Another person will be surprising you with a gift, as well.
The gift ought to be of around a $30 value. In addition to the exchange of gifts amongst our community, the extended benefit to playing along with us is the connection with members you may not know or have ever met. Don’t be afraid to be an investigator and give a quality gift to your secret recipient!
We hope you’ll join us!
Logan Gelbrich
11/30/17 WOD
Spend 10 minutes on butterfly/kipping pull up work..
Then, build to heavy single pull up..
Then, complete the following for time:
Thrusters (95/65)