You can now get your favorite DEUCE gear catapulted across the globe for FREE. Whether you’re buying for yourself or stocking up on gifts, shipping from the DEUCE Online Store is FREE on orders over $50.
In addition, the classic pull over hoodie is now 30% OFF! Act fast, because we only have a few in each size left, people.
There are also a number of new items in the shop that we’re excite about. Whether it’s the red or black DEUCE skull socks or the new STR/KE Movement collaboration hoodie, you can have the gear you’ve always wanted to your door at no cost. Just use ‘FREESHIPPING’ at checkout!
Logan Gelbrich
11/27/17 WOD
Send 12 minutes to find a heavy triple touch-and-go snatch…
Then, spend 12 minutes to find 1RM back squat..
Then, Death by 60′ Shuttle Sprint
**EMOM +60′