Lately, balance has been quite a struggle for me personally. Kids very commonly bring this on. How do we adjust our schedules to accommodate four humans as opposed to two? Where do we find us time? How does work fit in? How do we do fitness things? We have chosen not to put our kids in day care all day. This is a double edged sword. While earning us plenty of time with our girls, it also earns us less time working, and definitely less sleep. It was one random day that I was reading an email that I got some solid info. If you don’t follow Light and his Daily Doses of Inspiration, consider this your invite. This one stuck for me.
“There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life.” ― Alain de Botton
I think we need to redefine balance. I would suggest that being balanced is more about being authentic to who you are. That could mean becoming obsessed with certain works of art, films or hobbies that inspire you. It could mean doing so-called “crazy” things in the name of following your heart. It could mean questioning things that others take for granted. It could mean saying yes to cosmic urges, without having any idea of how it’s all going to turn out.
For me this was quite reassuring. It’s not an official answer, but it is a confirmation that others feel this way, too. The great things are unavoidable. There is definitely no easy road, and thank the Lord for this one. Feeling swallowed up by a pursuit is where it’s at. Be passionate, be authentic, be you, and go with your vibe. There is one definite fact, and that is you are the only one that can do you. Believe in yourself. Don’t feel pressured by the things you are drawn to. Bring those things out and show everyone. Looking for signs is thus probably a weary pursuit. If you’re looking for one, I think you have your sign. Balance may very well be a much more feared state if we were to realize it. Thanks for the insight, Light. This is not the only one of these that has made me think, and given me clarity.
Danny Lesslie
11/14/17 WOD
Complete 3 sets of:
3-5 Tall Snatches
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
3 Front Squats (65%)
6 Box Jump Overs
9 Ring Rows
-Rest 2 min-