It’s only normal to simplify in an effort to make sense of things, isn’t it? We do this with ourselves, too. Maybe try the opposite. Maybe we should stop pretending that things are so simple.
While there is power in simplicity, there can be great beauty in complexity. Isn’t that what makes an ornate stained glass window so beautiful? You don’t need to be a one trick pony.
Let yourself bask in your own complexity. Of course, you’ll take your previous self with you wherever you go, but, if you’re open to embracing complexity, you might be more open to adding to your story as you move along. You can be as fit as you want without giving up the things that make you unique, for example. You can take on more complexity with new capacities without giving up yourself. Life isn’t a trade. Rather, it’s a progression towards more and more complexity.
“Transcend and include.”
Logan Gelbrich
11/7/17 WOD
Spend 10 minutes on butterfly/kipping skills..
Then, Complete 4 rounds for time of:
10 Hang Power Snatches (75/55)
12 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run