We’ve had a few introspective conversations in staff meetings about aerobic capacity and building endurance at DEUCE Gym. While no one is of the mindset that we’re ignoring the development of this pathway, there is a concerted effort going on that we do a better job. For the sake of full disclosure, this larger conversation about stepping up to the highest standards with regards to building endurance at DEUCE Gym stems as much from a concern about perception as it does ideology.
We are aware that we look like the gritty strength gym. While that’s not the bias of our training, it is a slippery slope we aren’t interested in sliding down if it means neglecting our charter to build broad, general, inclusive fitness.
As a result we’re doing what we’d hope any good leader would do and we’re answering the call. You’re going to see a number of things reflect our commitment to this, including a new ‘Baseline’ workout (more details on that later), new equipment to support endurance capacity, and top down buy-in.
As a result, I’m training for my first ever endurance event with several members of the DEUCE Gym community and the more the merrier. The event is the HITS Triathlon Series in Palm Springs, CA on December 3rd. If you haven’t already, click to join the DEUCE Racing Facebook group here to stay up to date on all the things our students are doing outside of the gym with the fitness they’ve built in the gym from making art and acting to professional skateboarding and fitness competitions like this one.
Logan Gelbrich
11/3/17 WOD
12 Box Step Ups
12 DB Push Presses (40/25)
12 Hollow Rocks
24 Double Unders
12 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
12 Strict Pull ups
24 Cal Row/Bike