In our ‘Intro Session’ we talk about many things. One of the things I always talk about with people is the edge of their known fitness. That somewhat fuzzy place that feels like the limit of what they can do. A very clear metaphor for this is walking to the edge of a cliff. It makes total sense that near the edge you will find out more information. It makes sense that fear creeps in near the edge. It makes sense that you could fall at the edge. It makes sense that your form could falter, or you could slip near the edge. All of these things are very easy to understand. Well, I am here to tell you that fitness is the same way. It feels like there is a limit. It feels like there is an edge, and its uncomfortable to go there.
Here is the good news. The edge is where the gains are. The edge is where you will collect the largest amount of adaptation, but it isn’t ever an easy thing. It doesn’t ever feel good. What you get from going there is what you are looking for. What you get from going there is the stuff that makes you keep coming to the gym. The double edged sword of this whole deal is that your visits to the edge are completely under your control. You have the gas pedal, and you always will. No one is going to make you go there.
We have this program, and you can be a part of it, and attend all of your classes, and legitimately never go there. Doing a workout and making yourself sweaty does not mean you are visiting the edge. This is a decision that happens amidst the storm. You decide to push. You decide that the struggle is not worth the fight without the result. You decide to level up. You decide to reach for more. You decide to run faster when your body is telling you to stop. You see, this gas pedal is always with you. Learning to use it is part of the game. Where is the edge? Have you been there? The availability of adaptation is plentiful for those that reach. But, don’t kid yourself, this is no easy path.
I want to discuss mechanics. This is very clear in the case of a heavy deadlift. Say that you were to fall off the proverbial edge in a deadlift. This would look something like the weight is too heavy, immediately when you pull against the bar, your trunk position fails, and you continue to pull ever so slowly dragging the bar about halfway up your shin. You see that bucking thing start to happen as you continue to fight this weight, and eventually you return the bar to the floor, never completing the rep. Maybe you then see stars from the exertion and have to take a knee.
In this example the athlete failed to maintain proper form, which I would argue is the most important element to the lift. You see faltering a little is huge, but faltering huge is not what we want. The goal of lifting weights is to constantly challenge posture and position with increasing loads or increasing reps. Going off the edge or grossly failing in position is not par for the course.
Understanding where you edge is will constantly move the needle on your fitness. Understanding what it takes to go there will help you realize the adaptation you are seeking. The more time you spend on the edge, the more gains you will reap. The decision is always there for you. The gas pedal is always yours.
Danny Lesslie
11/2/17 WOD
Complete 8 rounds for time of:
150′ Sled Drag (AHAP)
150′ Reverse Sled Drag (AHAP)
200m Run
-Rest 2 min-