The video above is a visual introduction to the ‘Hold the Standard’ Summit that is making its way around the world educating leaders who are hungry to inch towards their organizational potential. The next stop of the Summit tour is Sydney, Australia and rumors are swirling of the first ever United States seminar in the first quarter of 2018.
Attendees are asked to come with an open mind, a hunger for feedback, and the desire to be better. Over two days, attendees dive into the origins of how people work together. It’s here that participants can diagnose, not just the stage of their current organizational development, but the drivers and limitations of their business. The group then learns what often unexamined terms like leadership, performance, and high performance teams really are, how to express these ideas, and how to develop them. The first day finishes with actionable concepts regarding communicating your message to the world, which some call marketing.
The second day of the seminar is the practical, Monday morning-type application of what happens at DEUCE Gym behind the scenes. It’s here that participants have access to plug-and-play business systems, specialty programs, and staff development via Coach’s Prep.
Interested in the Sydney seminar or any other future seminars? Email seminar@deucegym.com for details.
Hold the Standard™
Logan Gelbrich
10/26/17 WOD
Find Heavy Split Jerk
Then, AMRAP 9
Push Jerks (155/105)
Bar Muscle Ups