Do you review things in your head before you do them? Do you make a list of things to do and then check them off? Are you mentally in the game during your day? Are you actively pursuing your life?
I firmly believe intention is directly related to happiness. I’m not talking about the happiness that comes with hilarity, but the happiness that comes from deep down inside. It’s the kind of happiness that you are where you should be. I am talking about the happiness that is pulsing through your veins knowing that you are progressing. The happiness that comes from when you are marching forward despite outside circumstance.
You see, we don’t have a lot of time here. And, I just happen to believe that there are all kinds of glory inside all of us. You aren’t going to find it by being lazy. You aren’t going to find it flying by the seat of your pants.
Just wait until you really try. Just wait until you come across something that is so important that you obsess over it. Just wait until you play something over and over and over again in your head, and then you go do it. You, my friend, have just exponentially increased your chances of success. You have just done all of the work beforehand to make yourself successful. All that now stands between you and glory is showing up.
Intention lays the groundwork. Intention leads to progress. Intention is being plugged in. I can tell you how it feels to be unplugged. I can tell you how it feels to be reactionary and operate without intention. I spent many years of my life this way. It’s pretty hollow. It gets pretty monotonous and numbing after an amount of time. Intention, however, has teeth. That, my friends, takes some guts. You have to put yourself out there. You have to try. You have to be ahead of the game. Reaction was too late even before it started. You set the curve. You make the rules. You steer the ship. You must hold yourself to the fire and do the work. Intention is the space between dreaming and realizing your dreams.
Danny Lesslie
10/10/17 WOD
Complete 6 rounds for reps of:
In :60..
100′ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)
Max DB Thrusters (40/20)
-Rest 2 min-